The Importance of Achieving Work-Life Balance During the Holidays

November and December are a busy time. So, should you work more or less? The correct answer depends on your situation. However, either way you need to recognize the importance of achieving a healthy work-life balance during the holidays. 

Why Work-Life Balance Is ESPECIALLY Important During the Holidays 

You Have More to Do

Between events, decorating and shopping, life gets hectic during the holidays. Plus, if you job picks up toward the end of the year, your to-do list may double or triple. You’ll need to understand the additional demands on your time and plan accordingly.   

You Need Downtime

Most people assume the busier they are the more they’ll get done. Yet, research shows, this isn’t true. In fact, downtime helps to replenish the brain, and thus, ultimately results in higher overall performance.   

You Want to Stay Focused at Work

If you’re online shopping in the middle of your shift, you aren’t concentrating on your job. This, in turn, leads to a vicious cycle of inefficiency and stressYou’re less productive at work because youre distracted by life. And when you’re supposed to be enjoying life, you’re fretting about what you didn’t finish at work.  

Top Tips for Achieving Work-Life Balance During the Holidays 

Avoid Becoming Overextended

It’s easy to become overextended during November and December. Can you cook a formal dinner? Sure. Pick Uncle Bob up at the airport? Of course. Work an extra shift? Absolutely. The next thing you know you’re frantically stuffing a turkey at 3 a.m. after working for twelve hours straight. If you find yourself in this situation every year, start this holiday season by creating a list of your TOP priorities. Then, make a pact with yourself to learn how to say “No” to everything else.     

Budget Your Time (and Take a Shortcut or Two)

Once you’ve decided WHAT you want to do, figure out HOW to arrange your schedule. Budgeting your time allows you to manage both work and life better. For example, you could request additional days off during December, so you have a chance to tackle those holiday choresAsk someone else to pick Uncle Bob up from the airport. And/or host a take-out pizza party instead of a traditional holiday meal.  

Whenever Possible, Keep Work and Life Separate

We all know we shouldn’t be making personal holiday preparations while we’re on the clock. Nor should be sneaking out of a family gathering to check our work email. Although it’s easier said than done, try to be present where you are. When you’re at work, focus on work. When you’re at home, focus on your life. Not only will you be more efficient but also, you’ll be able to appreciate those special holiday moments more fully.      

Are You Looking for a Job That Gives You a Better Work-Life Balance During the Holidays? 

If your job is making every holiday season unnecessarily stressful, you may be ready for a changeConnectology places engineers, managers and marketing executives with top manufacturing organizations throughout the upper Midwest. Browse our available openings and discover your healthier work-life balance today!     
