You received a fantastic offer for a new job. You are ready to set off on a new adventure. And then, you get a counteroffer. Suddenly, your final decision is not so final.
Should You Stay or Should You Go?
Before making a choice, carefully consider your options. Don’t simply jump at the chance to earn a bigger paycheck. Or, rush to an emotional decision because you didn’t realize your current employer loved you so much.
Here are some questions to ask before you make the call.
Why are you getting a better offer now?
Until another organization wanted to hire you, your current employer didn’t see any need to pay you more and/or provide better opportunities. Did they undervalue you? Would they have continued to undervalue you if you hadn’t received another offer? Promotions and raises should be part of an employment package. You may find acceptable reasons for why your company paid you less, but you need to ask.
Is my current employer panicking?
If your organization is in the middle of a major project or initiative, your departure in less than two weeks may have terrified your employer. Rather than missing a deadline or facing delays, they may have concluded it would be easier to pay you more now and deal with the consequences later. If this is the case, once the crisis has passed, your supervisors and co-workers may label you as unreliable, disloyal and a job hopper. This could affect your ability to advance as well as your on-the-job relationships.
What were your reasons for leaving?
In the warm glow of having two offers on the table, you may have forgotten why you looked at another job in the first place. Was it your co-workers? Your boss? Company culture? Limited opportunities for growth? Location? You may have pushed negative thoughts into the background, but you had reasons. If you are having trouble remembering them, write a list of pros and cons to evaluate your situation more objectively.
How will your choice affect your career?
If you are leaning toward remaining with your current employer, consider all the consequences. The other organization may have spent considerable time and resources recruiting and interviewing you. Unexpectedly walking away at the last minute may have closed the door on ever working with this company again. Question whether this could affect your long-term career aspirations.
What’s the Best Way to Break the News?
In either case, plan your response. You don’t want to stumble through this conversation or look indecisive. Be firm and to the point. And, be gracious. Let your past or potential employer know you genuinely appreciated the offer. Whenever possible, leave the meeting on a positive note. Your industry is smaller than you think; you don’t want to burn bridges.
Are You Looking for a Great New Job?
Connectology can help you make an impact. Our recruiters work with leading manufacturing organizations throughout the Midwest, and we can guide you to the best opportunities. Check out our available jobs today!