Are You Being Purposeful About the Skills You Are Developing and Learning on the Job?

August 25, 2022

As the manufacturing industry continues to change, you need to change along with it. This involves keeping up with the latest skills that are relevant to employers. The more in-demand skills you have, the more opportunities you gain. This helps you adapt as you move forward in your career. Discover some ways you can purposefully…

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Preparing for the Retirement of Baby Boomers

March 19, 2020

From 2011 to 2030, approximately 10,000 Baby Boomers will turn 65 every day. For American businesses, this means a growing wave of employees leaving the workforce. What can your company do to stay ahead of this retirement trend?  How to Prepare for the Retirement of Baby Boomers  Keep Open Lines of Communication  Sixty-five is no longer the magical retirement age. In fact, a 2018 Gallup…

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Making Your Manufacturing Culture About Safety

December 25, 2019

To maximize productivity and build a successful manufacturing business, you need to keep your employees safe. What’s the best way to accomplish this goal? Use these five strategies to make safety an essential part of your manufacturing culture.  Hold Everyone Responsible  If someone sees a problem, ignoring it shouldn’t be an option. Employees, supervisors and even the CEO should understand reporting dangerous situations is not only expected but also required. To get your…

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What is Motivating Your Employees to Leave and Job Hop?

August 16, 2019

According to 2018 data, the average worker switches jobs every 4.2 years. What can your company do to combat this job-hopping trend? Start by recognizing and addressing the primary causes of turnover.      Record-Low Unemployment  In April 2019, the U.S. economy recorded 103 straight months of job gains and the lowest unemployment rate (3.6 percent) since 1969. This means the United States has more job openings than unemployed people. In other words,…

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