New Year’s Resolutions for Manufacturing Workers

It’s almost 2022. Have you decided what you want to accomplish in the upcoming months? Here are five New Year’s resolutions for manufacturing workers.

Smart New Year’s Resolutions for Manufacturers

1. Adopt a Healthy Habit

Exercise more and losing weight are two of the most popular New Year’s resolutions. However, they’re also the easiest to break. Improve your success rate by starting smaller and being more specific. For example, commit to bringing your lunch to work. This could not only help you drop pounds but also save you more than $1,000 over the course of the year. Other relatively simple, but impactful, options include getting at least 8 hours of sleep or logging 10,000 steps per day.

2. Learn Something New

Once again, begin small and be specific with this goal. If you’re thinking about returning to school, plan to finish a few courses rather than completing your entire degree. Or if you want to advance your knowledge without making a significant financial investment, consider signing up for a free or affordable online course. Professional certifications are another fantastic option for manufacturers. Plus, some businesses offer tuition reimbursement to help with the cost. Finally, keep in mind, learning doesn’t need to be related to your job. You could take a photography class, music lessons or a financial course just to expand your overall skill set.

3. Start Listening to Podcasts

If you’re not already a podcast listener, 2022 is a fantastic time to start. Podcasts are a wonderful way to learn, to be entertained and to relax. You can listen when you’re getting ready for work, on your commute or while you’re working out. Check out our lists of motivational and professional development podcasts. Or use this absolute beginner’s guide to podcasts to find your own.

4. Re-Evaluate Your Work/Life Balance

Throughout the COVID pandemic, many workers (including essential manufacturers) re-evaluated their employment situations. They began to question, “Is my job worth it?” If you’re working over sixty hours a week and you have virtually no free time, the answer probably is NO. As you begin the new year, take a moment to assess your work/life balance. If things are out of alignment, it may be time for a change. You could talk with your boss about reallocating duties, ask for a different role or even look for something new.

5. Update Your Job Search Materials

Even if you have the world’s best job, you never know what the year might bring. There could be changes in your organization that make your life more difficult. Or you might receive an impossible-to-ignore offer from a competitor. In any of these cases, you should have your job search materials ready to go. Set aside a few hours to review your resume, create and/or update your LinkedIn profile and reconnect with your network. If something comes along, you’ll be glad you’re prepared.

Are You Resolving to Look for a New Job in the New Year?

Connectology would be happy to help. Our recruiters place talented manufacturers with top companies throughout the upper Midwest. Browse our available openings and discover your next career move today!
