You want your company to do well. You’ve hired the right people, created a top product and marketed your brand. So, what else? Here’s how optimizing your website can improve your manufacturing business.
Why Is Optimizing Your Website Important?
What do YOU do when you need something? If you’re like most people, you pick up your phone or turn on your computer. In fact, in 2021, over 2.14 billion people worldwide are expected to buy goods and services online. Therefore, if your organization doesn’t have a website or if your website is difficult to use, you are losing customers.
How Can You Optimize Your Manufacturing Website?
Pay Attention to Search
You may have the world’s most amazing website, but it won’t matter if your customers can’t find it. Be sure to spend some time on SEO or Search Engine Optimization. This involves incorporating keywords and key phrases throughout your site. Programs like Google Analytics will help you track traffic and perfect your strategies. If you need some guidance, consider partnering with a digital marketing firm. Or, if you’re a do-it-yourselfer, Google offers free online classes for both Analytics and Ads.
Address the User Experience
Are your pages bland and boring? Does your website take forever to load? Is basic information almost impossible to find? All these issues chase potential customers away from your website and onto your competitors’. Invest the time and the money to develop an engaging and easy-to-use design. (The payoff will be worth the cost.) Check load times on different browsers and use tracking software to monitor how people interact with you online. Additionally, try this simple trick to gauge the effectiveness of your efforts. Ask someone outside your organization to complete a basic task. For example, they could request more information or make a purchase. If they struggle through the process, you’ll know you have more work to do.
Stay Up to Date
At some point, you’ve probably stumbled upon a website last updated in 2005. And chances are, you weren’t impressed. Remember, for many people, your website is their first impression of your company. You want to appear professional and up to date. Thus, include regular upgrades and redesigns as part of your marketing budget. This allows you to keep your website top of mind rather than an afterthought.
Are You Looking for More Ways to Improve Your Business?
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