How Can Managers Get the Training They Need to Give Great Performance Reviews?

The success of employee performance reviews depends on managers. They are the ones who implement the process.

As a result, manager buy-in and participation are required for effective performance management. This promotes a culture of constructive feedback to improve employee performance.

To maximize results, managers require training on the delivery process. This helps elevate individual and collective performance for their teams.

Follow these guidelines to train managers to effectively provide employee performance reviews.

Provide Constructive Feedback

Many managers feel uncomfortable giving constructive feedback. However, most employees desire feedback to improve their performance.

Performance improvement increases employee engagement, productivity, and retention. It also helps employees earn bonuses, raises, and promotions.

Train managers to point out something the employee is doing well. This creates an example of what the manager’s expectations are and how they can be met.

Then, clarify one or two specific areas the employee needs to improve. Include examples to increase understanding.

Next, let the employee share their perspective on the issue. Work together to create a plan for improvement.

After that, ask the employee how the manager can help them attain their objectives. Set a time to follow up.

Finally, meet at the scheduled time to discuss the employee’s progress. Congratulate them on their progress. Repeat the process if any areas still need improvement.

Reward Employee Success

Employees need to know that their contributions and results make a difference in the organization. Feeling valued and respected encourages them to remain long-term.

Train managers to express appreciation for the employee’s efforts and achievements. This includes mentioning specific actions taken, results attained, and their impact on the company. Provide a bonus, raise, or promotion if appropriate.

Use a Digital Performance Tool

Providing employee performance reviews can be easier with an online process than a paper process. Using a digital approach increases efficiency in entering, organizing, and accessing the information needed for the reviews.

Managers can keep track of previous reviews and progress toward employee performance improvement. This helps managers determine the topics to cover during the next performance review.

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