Have you ever stayed up late to watch TV or finish a project, only to find yourself exhausted at work the next day? You may think this is no big deal, but research shows getting enough sleep has a significant impact on your work performance.
Improve Your Memory
Experts believe sleep deprivation delays memory in two ways. First, being overtired makes it more difficult to focus and therefore to remember things. Second, sleep appears to play a role in the consolidation of memory which is essential for learning new information. In addition, research at Michigan State showed sleep seems to improve “working memory capacity” which is associated with problem-solving, vocabulary, decision-making and reading comprehension.
Be More Creative
A lack of sleep affects the prefrontal cortex of the brain. This is the area that controls innovation, self-control, and creativity. A 1999 study found just 24 hours of sleep loss interferes with both innovative thinking and flexible decision-making.
Increase Productivity
According to a 2016 report by the RAND Corporation, sleep deprivation costs the U.S. economy up to $411 billion a year. Being drowsy negatively affects both speed and accuracy. Ultimately, well-rested employees are more valuable to an organization, therefore they often earn more money. Studies show adding just one extra hour of sleep per night can increase your wages by 5%.
Get Along Better with Colleagues
Not only does sleepiness cause irritability, but also it increases levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Frustration and anxiety can make relationships with even your favorite co-workers more trying. Plus, research suggests being overtired makes it harder to read facial cues which can lead to further misunderstandings.
Prevent Burnout
A 2012 study found getting fewer than six hours of sleep is a predictor of job burnout. In fact, sleepiness, stress, and burnout are a vicious cycle. Lack of sleep leads to lower productivity (you can’t get your work done) which leads to higher stress levels (now you are worried) which leads to back to lack of sleep (so you stay up late finishing projects or suffering from insomnia). By committing to better sleeping habits, anyone can work to break this negative cycle and improve both their professional and personal life.
If you’re ready to sleep and work better, follow these five tips:
- Set a regular bedtime/wake-up time and stick to your schedule.
- Create a nightly wind-down routine to help you relax.
- Turn off electronics at least an hour before going to bed.
- Avoid caffeine late in the day.
- Keep naps short (twenty to thirty minutes) so they don’t interfere with your regular sleep.
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