Would you like to make as much money as possible? Most people would. Use these top strategies to help salary negotiations fall in your favor.
Read MoreAlthough technology will take away some jobs, robots won’t leave everyone instantly unemployed. Learn how your company can adapt to the new economy.
Read MoreEveryone has bad days at work. But, if those bad days are stacking up, you may be ready for a change. Here are three telltale signs you should start a job search sooner rather than later. You Dread Going to Work Of course, most people prefer Friday afternoons to Monday mornings. However, if you spend…
Read MoreAfter an interview, you’ll want to know how you did. Are you a top contender, or should you keep looking? Unfortunately, some companies are not great at following through with candidates. Here’s how you can keep things moving without appearing annoying or desperate. Step #1: Write a Thank You Note Many job hunters overlook this…
Read MoreWhen you have an interview, you want it to go well. Unfortunately, some seemingly minor missteps can leave a bad impression on your potential employer. If you want the job, don’t do any of the following: Arrive LateIn an interview, you are presenting the best version of yourself. When you can’t get there on time,…
Read MoreIt happens to the best of us. Sometimes we make a mistake on the job. These slip-ups can range from a minor, yet embarrassing, “Whoops!” to more a serious and potentially career damaging “Uh oh!” Regardless of the situation, remind yourself, this isn’t the end of the world. You may need time, but you can…
Read MoreResume gaps are a problem because they raise an automatic red flag. What went wrong? Why did you stop working? Will you be a bad employee? The trick is to calm your potential employer’s fears. People take time off for a variety of reasons. Here’s how to approach the subject. The Do’s Stay Honest –…
Read MoreFor better or worse, your boss has enormous influence over you. A boss can make you love or hate your job and either guide or disrupt your career path. So, what should you do when your boss drives you crazy? Stop ComplainingThis is easier said than done. After all, keeping a list of all the…
Read MoreYou received a fantastic offer for a new job. You are ready to set off on a new adventure. And then, you get a counteroffer. Suddenly, your final decision is not so final. Should You Stay or Should You Go? Before making a choice, carefully consider your options. Don’t simply jump at the chance to…
Read MoreEven under the best circumstances, job interviews are stressful. And then, just as things seem to be going well, your interviewer throws out one of those questions. Don’t panic. With a little bit of planning and preparation, you can do this. Here are tips and tricks for successfully answering three of the most common tough interview…
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