Are you hoping to get better at your job? Would you like to advance your career? Could you use some extra advice? Here are seven professional development podcasts you should be listening to. 1. Accidental Creative Hosted by founder Todd Henry, Accidental Creative’s podcast strives to help creative people do brilliant work. Subjects range from “Dealing with a Difficult Organization” to “Pursuing Your Creative Calling.” There’s something for everyone in this insightful series …
Read MoreIf you’re a high-powered manager, you’ve worked hard to get where you are. Of course, one of the perks is your luxurious office space. So, do you need to turn in the keys? Here’s why C-level executives should give up their offices. 5 Reasons C-Level Executives Should Give Up Their Offices 1. Eliminate the Hierarchical Leadership Model If the CEO spends the…
Read MoreWhether you’re looking for a new job or hoping to advance your career, you need to keep your skill set up to date. So, where should you start? Here are five skills for tomorrow you can build today! Emotional Intelligence In our technological age, emotional intelligence is becoming more important than ever. After all, machines are great at completing repetitive tasks and crunching numbers, but they can’t relate well to…
Read MoreDuring a time of economic uncertainty, you may be hesitant to hire full or even part-time staff. Fortunately, there is another option. Here are four reasons to use contractors. What Is a Contractor? A contractor is a person who provides services to your business, but they are NOT on your company’s regular payroll. This individual may be independently employed or an employee at another organization. Typically, contractors are paid by the assignment or for a set amount of time. …
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