You received a fantastic offer for a new job. You are ready to set off on a new adventure. And then, you get a counteroffer. Suddenly, your final decision is not so final. Should You Stay or Should You Go? Before making a choice, carefully consider your options. Don’t simply jump at the chance to…
Read MoreOften companies make the mistake of overlooking their most valuable resource … their employees. And, studies show, happy employees are more productive employees. So, what’s the secret to helping your workers fall in love with their jobs? Here are top tips from three management experts. Inspire Your People – Simon Sinek Organizational consultant and bestselling…
Read MoreEven under the best circumstances, job interviews are stressful. And then, just as things seem to be going well, your interviewer throws out one of those questions. Don’t panic. With a little bit of planning and preparation, you can do this. Here are tips and tricks for successfully answering three of the most common tough interview…
Read MoreTurnover happens. Employees retire, take new jobs, leave for personal reasons or sometimes, unfortunately, are asked to move on. At low levels, turnover can be healthy. New employees bring innovative ideas and fight off complacency. However, excessively high turnover can undermine the stability and profitability of any organization. What should you do if you suspect…
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